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increase your sales using our method.

MTHD does full-scale strategy, design & marketing.

We help businesses grow faster & make more money using the method that made us over $100million, in companies we actually own

✔️ No hidden fees. We charge a flat rate, whether you’re earning $1million or $10million.

✔️ Constant communication – you’ll never be ghosted.

✔️ Profitable results – or your money back.


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You Want Proof

Here’s one project that we wrote, directed, filmed, edited and marketed with ONLY a 4-person crew.

No budget wasted – and it sold through the roof.

It made $500,000 in just 21 days.

See it on Kickstarter here.

See all our case studies here.


  • created the strategy

  • wrote all of the captivating copy

  • designed every aspect of the packaging
  • created killer ads that convert like crazy

  • implemented guerilla-marketing tactics

  • made bags & bags of profit

Our Method has delivered over...
U.S. Dollars in Sales (not joking)
5 Star Reviews

what your business
really needs is the
right everything

that's where we come in

Expect Results Like This...

These are results gathered from our retail business after applying the method

More customers. More sales. Higher AOV. Better conversion rates.

We do it all

our services

Our ROAS (meaning return on ad spend) for our own ecommerce business last year (that we still own) was 11.4x. This means for every $100,000 we put into marketing, we got $1,140,000 back… Not bad right?

We’re friends with a lot of business owners and the truth is, they’d crawl over hot coals to get that kind of return. 

We have a secret sauce – and we’ll tell you what it is. Most paid ads waste their budget. They spend across all platforms and work with blended ad spend & shared attribution (aka, where the sale came from).

This incorrect approach takes an average return. Meaning the winners are stripped of profit by the losers. 

WE DON’T DO THAT. We hand-pick the right platform for each business we partner with. Tik Tok ads aren’t always right for you. Pinterest ads may be a waste of time. 

We identify where your customers convert first. Then we pour gasoline on that fire. 

MTHD has in-house videographers, designers and social media experts (who have over 600,000 followers themselves. So they know what they are doing). 

This means we can storyboard, create and implement your full paid-ads strategy. 

Want to know more? Book a call with us. 

Branding is more than a logo. Branding is an invisible feeling that you give to your customer. 

Making them feel good. Making them trust you without ever saying a word. 

If you can convey trust, quality & build instant rapport you’re more likely to get sales. 

You won’t go into a coffee shop with terrible interior design, or unbranded polystyrene cups… Because it feels cheap. The lack of branding lost them the sale. 

BUT, you’re way more likely to buy from a coffee shop with great interior design. You see everyone walking out with quality branded cups. It’s inviting. 

Attention creates attention. So the more effort you give to building your brand, the more new customers it will capture. 

At MTHD we have 6 steps of branding that we perform for each business. From simple logos, to gorgeous packaging & even the method behind creating a feeling around your company. 

Need help with your brand? Get in touch by booking a meeting with our team. 

Email is still King. 

Marketing fads & strategies like getting a robot to send your customer a DM doesn’t move the needle in the way that you think it does. 

Last year, we made over $1.5million from email marketing for just ourselves, not including our clients (for them it was a lot more) – and here’s the best bit… $314,000 of that $1.5million came automatically with ’email flows’ that we’ve set-up. 

Set it & forget it. 

This is work we can do for you once that makes you money on auto-pilot for years to come. 

If you refer to email as ‘the god button’ at your business – The thing that drives the most sales, then you’d absolutely benefit from investing more in our email marketing formula. 

This may be the low-hanging fruit you’ve been looking for, to increase your revenue. 

However, if you’ve never done email marketing before, or don’t make the most from it, we can still help – our team of marketing experts can write copy & tailor emails personally to your brand… So it’s all done for you. 

Interested? Get in touch here.

A picture says 1,000 words – but a video says it better.

At MTHD we’ve been writing, directing, shooting & editing our own product videos for over 20 years. We’ve shot over 1,000 product videos everywhere from Los Angeles to Kathmandu (not joking, we really flew there).

Using small crews of 1 to 5 people, we’re able to create stunning trailers & product videos that have gained us hundreds of thousands of subscribers – and helped make us over $100,000,000 in revenue.

Years ago we were guests on a TV shoot, where they had 25 staff, all for this one little video. We couldn’t help but think about how much money was being wasted as they were all texting in the corner.

Maybe you’re one of these brand owners that has had their pockets picked by big production companies?

The truth is, video is far more affordable & far more effective than you think.

The right video, edited the right way could be the difference between a sale and no sale.

In today’s attention economy you have to grab & hold people’s attention – and the best way, bar none, is video.

Want to discuss your video project? Book a call with our team here.

You never get a second chance at a first impression.

For this reason, your website is your strongest asset. It’s the thing that indicates credibility in your business.

Go tell a stranger on the street that you own a clothing brand. The first thing they’ll say is “What’s your website?”

They don’t assume you sell clothes from the back of a van or from a brick & mortar store. Their brain goes straight to ‘show me the website’.

So when they get there, it cannot let you down. You need it to be a good site.

It needs to look consistent with your brand. It needs to have the correct navigation, speedy loading times and be CRO optimized.

A terrible website suggests to customers that you’re a terrible brand… Which we know isn’t true.

But you can’t educate customers who leave. So you need to do it right, first time, every time.


At MTHD we have in-house web designers and a veteran web-master (for all the boring integration stuff) to design, re-design or optimize your business’s website.

Book a call with us to make sure your website is the best it can be.

Your product could be good – but if your ad creative is bad, it won’t sell. 

Our team of designers & content creators will work with you to design ads that convert to sales. 

Don’t listen to any agency that tells you about ‘brand awareness’ or highlights metrics like impressions or ‘touch points’. 

This is all marketing jargon for ‘it didn’t work’. 

If your ad targeting is great, your brand is great, your product is great, your price is great, then it could be something as simple as ad creative standing between you and your ability to generate a lot more money.

Book a meeting with us – and we’ll let you know if it’s your ad creative that’s holding you back… (It may not be that). 

As a business owner, you may have 50 ideas of things you could do. But which is the right one?

Sometimes, you just need someone who’s been there & done that to point you in the right direction. 

  • Do you pivot or push? 
  • Do you fire your sales team? 
  • Do you double your marketing spend? 

After making over $100,000,000 in a tiny niche (and building & selling multiple other businesses in the past), we’ve seen it all. 

We’ve hired, fired, dealt with thieves, staffing issues, manufacturing issues, legal issues… You name it. 

In over 20 years of business, we’ve taken every knock you could think of. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years.

So 23 years later we’re still standing & have a lot of answers for new & aspiring entrepreneurs who want to scale their own business or create their own products and services. 

Book a free call with us – and we’ll let you know if yours is the kind of problem we can solve. 

These are just our highlights. For our full list of services visit our services page, or book a call with us.


We can help you find the constraints of your business, and prescribe the correct services and methods to take your business to the next level.

We don't just say it, we've done it

For our own e-commerce brand, we’ve generated over $100,000,000 (one hundred million US dollars) in sales.

Over the last 20 years of business, we've hired & fired multiple Ad agencies - because none of them could get better results than we could get on our own..

Our team's marketing efforts consistently outperformed every single agency we tried.

It's then that we realized the full power of our Team. We are a marketing machine with a proven method.

So... We created our own full-scale marketing firm, to help you do what we've done.

And y'know what?

it's worked out great for our clients

we're proud to work with companies like

How will the right marketing change your life?

At MTHD, everything is marketing. Your branding, your website, your video content, your copywriting… It all works together to help you sell.


Every crumb of creativity you put out into the world affects your ability to succeed and grow.

It doesn't matter if your product is good, if nobody knows about it. 

In today’s attention economy, you’re in a constant battle to rise above the noise that’s already out there.

That’s why it’s important to hire a full-service team, like us.

So there are no weak links in your ability to make money. 

and you can focus on what's important... growing.

Questions & answers

What you should know about mthd

We move quick. We don’t sit around for 3 weeks having meetings on top of meetings.

At MTHD, we make your business our priority. 

Once you become an official client, we get right to work. 

It’s our job to help you get to your goal as quickly as possible. 

If time is money, then impatience is a virtue. 


Most marketing companies throw sh*t at the wall to see what sticks… For months, while they bill you.

They have no clue what they are doing or what effort (or campaign) is actually driving sales.

They hide behind jargon like “brand awareness”, “MER” and other made-up terms to explain failure.

As business owners, the only metric for success is revenue…. Did you make more money?

After hiring multiple different marketing agencies (over 20 years) to run our e-commerce brand, one thing was clear – none of them could get better results than we could get on our own.

We decided to create MTHD (pronounced method) to help other businesses from being taken by charlatans within the marketing space.

We do things better. 

The famous investor Charlie Munger said:

“Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome.”

This means, if it’s more profitable to do it one way, that’s the way it will be done.

Aka, If you pay a standard marketing agency based on a percentage of your ad spend, their goal will be to increase how much you spend on ads – even if it’s not profitable for you. 

WHY? Because it’s profitable for them. 

At MTHD we don’t work on that pricing model. We don’t have hidden fees. 

We manage your ads, video, creative or branding work on a transparent pricing framework.

This means you’ll pay what we say & nothing more.