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a brand we own that we've scaled to over $100million

Ellusionist was the first online magic store. 

Established in 2001, Ellusionist produces the wildestmost practical & visual magic on planet Earth. 

Allowing normal people to perform miracles that defy reality.

We’ve scaled this brand to over $100million in revenue – and we still own & operate it today.

The look and feel, the videos & even the products were done by our team.  

Making the niche our b*tch

Not many people know this, but there is an underground industry that sells the secrets to magic tricks. 

Normal people can learn them to impress anyone they meet. 

It’s a very niche market, with a limited interest, but one we’ve dominated for decades.

Our branding, our marketing, our production gets copied by the competition on a daily basis. 

When we move, they move. 


a brand we own that we've scaled to over $100million

Ellusionist was the first online magic store. 

Established in 2001, Ellusionist produces the wildestmost practical & visual magic on planet Earth. 

Allowing normal people to perform miracles that defy reality.

We’ve scaled this brand to over $100million in revenue – and we still own & operate it today.

The look and feel, the videos & even the products were done by our team.

Making the niche our b*tch

Not many people know this, but there is an underground industry that sells the secrets to magic tricks. 

Normal people can learn them to impress anyone they meet. 

It’s a very niche market, with a limited interest, but one we’ve dominated for decades.

Our branding, our marketing, our production gets copied by the competition on a daily basis. 

When we move, they move. 

20 years of experience

Ellusionist has been a test-bed for us over the last 2 decades. It’s allowed us to hone our skills and experiment with wild ideas & cutting-edge campaigns.

We’ve learned what works – and most importantly, we’ve learned what efforts are a total waste of money. 

Making & marketing over 600 products from scratch, we’ve seen it all. So we’re confident that there’s nothing you can throw at us, that we can’t handle. 

20 years of experience

Ellusionist has been a test-bed for us over the last 2 decades. It’s allowed us to hone our skills and experiment with wild ideas & cutting-edge campaigns.

We’ve learned what works – and most importantly, we’ve learned what efforts are a total waste of money. 

Making & marketing over 600 products from scratch, we’ve seen it all. So we’re confident that there’s nothing you can throw at us, that we can’t handle. 

Revenue Generated
$ 0 +
followers gained
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products launched worldwide
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We Produce Viral Campaigns and Kickstarters

The first video is Pyro Mini, a wrist-worn fireshooter that we developed in-house. 


We designed a viral campaign around this product using the ‘trading up the chain’ method of press coverage. 


This resulted in a massive viral campaign, with tens of thousands of units sold and millions of dollars made. 

The second video is for our most recent Kickstarter campaign that raised half a million dollars – and has gone on to sell even more via our e-commerce shopify store. 

Check out that opening hook… “what do you want to be?” 

That’s the kind of copywriting that draws buyers in – and that’s the kind of thing we could do for you too. 

small crews, massive results

Each one of these 3 videos was designed, written, storyboarded, shot & edited by a crew of less than 5 people. 

But as you can see the results are breathtaking – and this is something that we can do for your business. 

Whether it’s video production, or successful Kickstarter campaign management. 

We Produce Viral Campaigns and Kickstarters

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Here are a few examples of our viral videos and Kickstarter trailers. 


The first video is Pyro Mini, a wrist-worn fireshooter that we developed in-house. 

We designed a viral campaign around this product using the ‘trading up the chain’ method of press coverage. 

This resulted in a massive viral campaign, with tens of thousands of units sold and millions of dollars made. 

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The second video is for our most recent Kickstarter campaign that raised half a million dollars – and has gone on to sell even more via our e-commerce shopify store. 

Check out that opening hook… “what do you want to be?” 

That’s the kind of copywriting that draws buyers in – and that’s the kind of thing we could do for you too. 

small crews, massive results

Each one of these 3 videos was designed, written, storyboarded, shot & edited by a crew of less than 5 people. 

But as you can see the results are breathtaking – and this is something that we can do for your business. 

Whether it’s video production, or successful Kickstarter campaign management. 

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Connecting the brand to a changing audience

Ellusionist has been around for over 20 years. 

Times change & people change – so we needed to change with it. 

After a successful rebrand in 2023, our sales went up by 26% year-on-year. 

More than just a logo, your brand touches every part of your business. It tells your customers who you are, what you value, and why they should buy from you within just a few seconds.

And something amazing happened with the rebrand we did. 

Our customer support tickets went down, our complaints went down, any negative comments on social media disappeared.

Our brand’s new message was connecting deeply with our customers, on a real, visceral level. 

The copy, the imagery and the vibe created by this rebrand made our customers feel connected to us. 

That’s how brand loyalty is built – and with a returning customer rate of 70% each month, it’s safe to say that we’re delivering on our promise. 

Connecting the brand to a changing audience

Ellusionist has been around for over 20 years. 

Times change & people change – so we needed to change with it. 

After a successful rebrand in 2023, our sales went up by 26% year-on-year. 

More than just a logo, your brand touches every part of your business. It tells your customers who you are, what you value, and why they should buy from you within just a few seconds.

And something amazing happened with the rebrand we did. 

Our customer support tickets went down, our complaints went down, any negative comments on social media disappeared.

Our brand’s new message was connecting deeply with our customers, on a real, visceral level. 

The copy, the imagery and the vibe created by this rebrand made our customers feel connected to us. 

That’s how brand loyalty is built – and with a returning customer rate of 70% each month, it’s safe to say that we’re delivering on our promise. 

a picture says 1,000 words... But a video says more

here are just a few that we've produced
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Play Video

Over 1,000 Videos Produced In-House

We’ve been writing, directing, shooting & editing our own product videos for over 20 years.

In that time, we’ve shot over 1,000 product videos everywhere from Los Angeles to Kathmandu (not joking, we really flew there).

Using small crews of 1 to 5 people, we’re able to create stunning trailers & product videos that have gained us hundreds of thousands of subscribers – and helped make us over $100,000,000 in revenue.

The right video, edited the right way could be the difference between a sale and no sale.

In today’s attention economy you have to grab & hold people’s attention – and the best way, bar none, is video.

So if you’d like to discuss your video projects with us, then get in touch. 

Print and packaging

From official Jurassic Park playing cards to fire-shooting pens, we’ve built a diverse library of past packaging projects. 

As you can see from the gallery, we have a diverse skillset and can apply many styles and trends to your future products. 

None of these are mock-ups, they’re all sell-out products from Ellusionist.  

Product design

Realizing something that doesn’t exist is a hard task – but something we’ve been doing for over 20 years with Ellusionist. 

We create props and gadgets for magicians, so often, we have to conceptualise an item that doesn’t exist in any form. 

With expert designs, 3d mock-ups and prototypes, we’ve managed to create over 600 real products that customers have bought millions of units of. 

Product design

Realizing something that doesn’t exist is a hard task – but something we’ve been doing for over 20 years with Ellusionist. 

We create props and gadgets for magicians, so often, we have to conceptualise an item that doesn’t exist in any form. 

With expert designs, 3d mock-ups and prototypes, we’ve managed to create over 600 real products that customers have bought millions of units of. 

Playing cards & illustration

We started the custom deck market with Ellusionist. Before our designs, you could buy bicycle or casino decks only. 

Since then, we’ve released over 100 designs in multiple colorways. 

Everything from capturing the theme of Ancient Rome, the majesty of bees or the nostalgia from top movie franchises.